Monday, January 28, 2013


I tried starting this blog 2.5 years ago... but the free time just never materialized....

A recent change in work schedule has given me more time to concentrate on the daylilies.. so now is the time to pick up where I left off :)

My husband Dave and I own this lovely property in Canterbury, NH  We decided to become an "Organic Based"  farm, and although not certified, everything is done by those methods. We raise produce in  limited quantities, sharing the overflow with friends, family and people who stop by the farm.

The daylilies , however, are my passion. Dave does the heavy work with machinery, helps with preparing beds, watering and fertilizing. I help, plus I do all the other "stuff " involved in raising and creating these beauties.

I sell seeds and plants on THE LILY AUCTION and sell from the farm as well.

Hopefully I can share some of the in's and out's of  hybridizing daylilies.... and the inherent joys that come from this worthwhile pursuit. It is an amazing thing to see your creations grow and bloom.

Hope to share more with you on a regular basis. Please feel free to message with topics you would like me to write about...

Will be nice to get to know you....

The lovely daylily on the blog header is my beloved DAVISSIMO... named for my husband and a variation of his  name :)
Claudia                               The Promise of New Seedlings